Self Empowerment
by Revolutionizing Sexual Health
and Independence for Women

as easy as 1-2-3

Where Did This Plan Originate?

It's hard to say when, exactly, someone created the first three-step plan to sexual safety; these concepts are not exactly new. I first learned about them from a community of young adults in the Seattle, Washington, USA area. The high school and college students were using these rules to keep themselves safe while still having active, healthy, enjoyable sex lives.

I was so struck with the simplicity and effectiveness of what they were doing that I adopted it into my personal life and started using it with all of my relationships. I codified what they were doing into three simple rules, and I strictly abide by them in each of my relationships. I also took the opportunity to teach others about the three rules, and many of those people adopted the Plan themselves!

Why Mexico? Why Now?

Right now in Mexico is the perfect time to be teaching the Plan. The culture of women in Mexico has changed significantly over the past two generations. They are more educated, more independent, and more and more they are demanding to be respected and treated as equals to men, something which doesn't really exist in the traditional culture. Many young women want to go to university, want to have careers, and, yes, want to have active and safe sex lives!

But as a woman in Mexico, who is going to be responsible for your safety? Generally speaking, no one but yourself, and certainly not the machistas of Mexico. While the culture of women has made extraordinary advancements in the past few decades, the culture of men has changed very little. Men are, by and large, still very machista and don't want to treat women as equals. The machista culture teaches men to lie and cheat, that women are not deserving of the same level of respect or consideration. Can you really trust these people to prioritize your health and safety? Absolutely not. It's up to you to fight for your rights and equality! You have to be responsible for yourself, and responsible for your own health and safety. Youcan do in part that by following these three simple rules, and by forcing your rights onto a traditionally machista culture.

Liberty comes through personal responsibility, and it's up to you to be responsible for your own life, to make sure you're protected against STDs, and to only get pregnant when and if you choose to. That is your right and responsibility as a free and modern woman.